Saturday 17 December 2016

Sonic Heroes Game Download Free PC Game


When the people of Sonic Team were creating the original Sonic the Hedgehog, they knew that they could not beat Mario at their own game. So, instead of preparing another clone of Mario Hop-happy, focused on speed. As a result, one of the most visceral franchises of the 16-bit era was born. However, the transition from 2D to 3D has been difficult for Sonic, and the series has lost much of its attention in the process of exchanging the fare for action adventure elements and introducing an unnecessary - and unnecessarily large -. Sonic Heroes undermine many of the elements that have slowed retraction of Sonic Adventure in many design decisions in Sonic Adventure games and still shows a lot of problems with the camera and control that thwarted previous raids of Sonic 3D is more faithful to Its roots in 2D than any other 3D sonic game in front of it.Sonic Heroes is still a lot of shooting things and hunting that
is found in Sonic Adventure games, but retains the large number of characters. The game is based which allows you to control three characters at a time and dividing characters into four different teams: Sonic Team, Dark Team, Rose Team and Chaotix team. Each team member has their own strengths and their team skills change depending on the character they have established as a team leader. Team members are color-coded for easy reference, so blue characters have more speed, the yellow character can fly, and red characters can pass through blocks that are otherwise impenetrable. The game makes it easy to change your team boss on the fly, and you can see some of the team members by simply pressing the X and Y buttons there are times, like when you are in the air, as you can not change your team boss , Which can lead to difficult times. It usually works well, however, and once you have mastered the various skills of teamwork, team bosses of change becomes second nature. The inclusion of four different teams, however, seems a little unnecessary since the game is almost identical to the four teams, with the exception of a few different elements of the story between levels. To be frank, no one cares about these
peripheral characters that Sonic Team seems crazy to lean on players. People play Sonic games to play like Sonic the Hedgehog.There is a bit of light combat, which only requires a minimum of skill and strategy for the skill, but for most, Sonic Heroes is making everything harder to meet the fast paced classic Sonic Hedgehog games. What you're going to run down a lot of narrow roads that are loaded with speed strips, corkscrews and loops; That bounce strategically placed bumpers; You moudrez along thousands of tracks that seem suspended in the air; And it frantically tries to overcome the continuous enemies and increasing levels of lava. The level of different themes, which include staples like Sonic the Sandy Beach, factory-sparks and fire and increasingly popular levels of pinball-inspired casino, will feel familiar to Sonic fans. The levels are loaded with many different paths that meet the different strengths
of the team leaders, allowing you to rely on one of the three formations of the team that feels most comfortable. Level designs are fairly simple, although occasionally find portions that are not completely intuitive. In addition, it is likely that the end result will be plunging into nothing without background and without any idea of ​​what you have done wrong more than once. The game is not very long, and most players should be able to wrap in about six hours. Fortunately, it is free from the evil adventure filling action that has made a large part of the Sonic Adventure games, providing a more satisfying overall experience.When Sonic Heroes works the way it's supposed to, the action is fast and exciting.
Unfortunately, the game suffers from a difficult camera, sometimes spastic meticulous controls, and some bad cuts. The camera is largely stationary, and as the action of Sonic Heroes does not revolve around 3D large open environments, which most of the time works. But the stroke of luck that you want to have a better perspective of your environment before making a jump potentially defies death, the camera is not very cooperative and fit into your.

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