Sunday 18 December 2016

Far Cry 2 PC Game Download Latest Version


After spending about 25 hours in the campaign for a Far Cry 2 player, there was a question that could not answer why this game is called Far Cry? Subsequently developed by Ubisoft Montreal, retains virtually nothing original Crytek 2004 or derivations of instincts and Predator Xbox 360 and Xbox 360. The story is not transmitted, the characters are not the same, n 'not mentioned at all by Jack Carver, no Mutagenic, there are no wild powers, and there are no Trigens. Instead, it is a struggle between warring factions, and asked April UFLL in an African nation in anonymity.The game does not give players a predetermined protagonist. Instead, you select a character to play as and the rest of the cast appear in the game world around NPC as friendly, called friends, you can choose to work with them. Things begin with a section of simple tutorials, introducing basic controls on the first person and the premise of the game. Its main objective is to find Coyote, a menacing character that supplies weapons to the TAE and for UFLL to keep on fire from conflict.The point is, with this kind of setup, it is strange that the name Far Cry was even
used at all, except for its obvious name recognition value. Push that aside and accept that it's basically a totally different game, you'll find there's a little love.There are few direct analogues for Far Cry 2 as it really is an open world game. This is in stark contrast to the Infinity Ward games continuously straight-line Call of Duty and offers more freedom than what Crytek finished delivering Deep Cry with his seudolineal Crysis franchises. Maybe GSC Game World:. STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl is the best comparison, even though this game is different, because when he leaned more towards the role elements, Far Cry 2 is almost all about shots. There are still ways to improve your character, but the emphasis here is definitely on the action.For example, there is no inventory in the game, only four weapon slots. There is one for your machete for a firearm or accessory, for a primary weapon (assault rifle, rifle, shotgun), and one for a special weapon (rocket launchers, mortars, flamethrowers). All these types of weapons are
not available at the beginning of the game; You must unlock doing side missions for weapons suppliers in the world. Much of the game works this way, allowing you to unlock the snippets here and there to make your travels through the grassy, ​​mountainous and jungle plains of the world more comfortable, and make the process kill a little more Easy.On the other hand, unlike S.T.A.L.K.E.R., there is no record of actual missions. Instead, you basically have an "active search" for both, although the single mission can be rotated in several different directions. The main missions are usually delivered by the EPR and UFLL headquarters, and most of the time, the mission is taken is predetermined. In other words, you can not choose between APR and UFLL tasks every time you go to get a new mission connected to the main adventure. You have to make a decision, some quite important as well, but they are intermittent and do not arise until the end of the game. For this reason, it is difficult to worry about anything related to the
story, the environment or the characters in the game for the first few hours. In all probability, you will be distracted by exploring and testing the limits of the game world, it is a little time before the story begins to take real momentum.Out of the main adventure, there are several types of distractions for you. You can do the missions of arms dealers, which always involve chasing a convoy and off. The rewards are good as they have access to more weapons, but the quests can be repeated. There are also missions that can be obtained from friends found throughout the game world and delicate scrambled missions voices
transmitted through the electric towers. Ultimately, they are reduced to more or less the same: go to a place and kill a man, blow up something, steal something, or force someone to do something they do not want and then kill them. And if you are especially obsessive compulsive, you can spend many hours locating the multitude of hidden towels containing varying amounts of diamonds. Also you, from time to time in search of the medicine.

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