Thursday 8 September 2016

Ninja Guy Game Download Latest version For free PC Full Games Download


Gender tag «Metroidvania» is a combination of Metroid and Castlevania, referring in almost every game Metroid and Castlevania games after Symphony largely Night supervised by Koji Igarashi. The same species, however, go back far enough, and there is at least a parallel series Metroid and long before the agreement has not really gotten because of the long history of things. I mean the Monster World Series Westone, which gave Wonder boy action-oriented, has a lot of places confusion and comments and unfortunately retired after generation console 16-bit. It's a great series that had a very clear influence on subsequent titles like Shantae [$ 2.99], but appears to have little credit for their contribution to the genre. With that in mind, I would not call Smasher Ninja [$ 3.99] the Metroidvania. This is a set of nonlinear effect with a large map, interconnected in which they find new skills to open up new paths, but at least in my opinion, this game is note less than Metroid or Castlevania Igarashi and more colorful Westone adventures cartoon.

Developer Ninja Smasher, also known as Rogue Ninja or Q-Cumber factory depending on whether you believe the game or the description of the App Store, has pulled a bit of a trick interest here. Making its debut in the App Store a few years ago with Rogue Ninja [$ 2.99] a roguelike with a cute little Ninja, who followed with a single action game called Ninja side-scrolling Aggressive [$ 0.99]. You had to get your way through the levels, with each touch sending little ninja guy who put you like a whirlwind of death. There were coins to collect, items to buy at the store, and the results of the attack. quite fun, but definitely does not have the complexity of the design seen in Rogue Ninja. Well, it turns out that Ninja The front was really just a warm-up for something much bigger. The basic control settings, enemies, and many of the funds are making a comeback in Ninja Smasher, but instead is a bodysuit based stages scoring attack, is an adventure full three hours action.
The game begins with you attack the castle of the great leader to try to save the princess, only to be ripped out. From here, you can find all the equipment and the powers you need to win their rematch. Most of them are found in caves, castles and temples are in overworld, but usually need the power of one of these places to open the next, so there is still some linearity in it. You will also be able to use these skills to collect additional improvements if you look at the map carefully. You also earn coins by killing enemies or to get around alone, and there is, of course, a shop in the game where you can spend on things like filters, shuriken, or permanent improvements in their health and counters magic .

The areas covered usually have to look for the keys or switches to open the way for a boss fight. The design is very clever to not have to backtrack too, with most radios to testify again in the bin after collection of the necessary data or turn the switch. The heads are large and, from a certain perspective, strong, but it is the kind that lasts longer than with long lifetime bar, which in fact represents a serious threat. Rarely is difficult to avoid their attacks, so once you have earned a projectile, which is quite easy to sit and pick them out. In fact, some of the bosses, this is probably the best way to win, even if it is a long process and somewhat boring. It is the year to do battle body with your body, you basically have to stop viewing the finger attack. In this sense, it is probably better than the bosses are not vestigial.

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