Thursday 29 September 2016

Alien Shooter 2 Full Game Download PC


The consequence can be a very difficult thing, because you want to capture the spirit of the original title, greatly improving parallel to the press with new game elements and concepts for a fresh new experience. The same applies for a new release, and want to keep the same starting time, including some new elements that make the title stand out from the original. However, the new version of a sequel seems a case of double jeopardy for anyone who wants to get the job. The Sigma Group, which recently chose to remake Alien Shooter, some extra time spent in the sequel. The result is Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, a game that the improvement in many aspects of the previous title and ensure that their chainguns humming for some time to come.

The first Alien Shooter really have no history at all - instead, the goal was to go through all levels of an underground laboratory and each plasma blowing to pieces. On this occasion, Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded comes with a story that unites seventeen missions in the game. In 2027, the M.A.G.M.A. Energy Corporation contact you for your talents as known mercenary. Because the situation is absolutely need to know, you will be sent to a base of California and tells you to get in contact General Baker, who has worked with the company on secret projects for the military. Of course, once you arrive at the base, it is found that there is much more at risk than it seems. The aliens have invaded, and it is up to you to discover what M.A.G.M.A. It was up to put an end to it before the rest of the world is attacked and destroyed by these things.

Players still choose one of eight characters; In fact, these eight characters are the same as the original game, so if you've played the original you are somewhat familiar with the people who take you into battle. There are some important differences, however. On the one hand, soldiers have six statistics characters instead of four in this case. Health, strength, speed and accuracy to make a comeback and united by intelligence and Perks. your intelligence affects the quality of implants that your soldier can use, which further improve their statistics. Perks, however, affects both your character and the rest of the game as well. For example, you can choose a benefit that allows you to rebuild, mentally controlled monsters, or easily discover hidden rooms and objects. What's more, all work to complete or monster you kill adds experience points for your character, adding an RPG-lite element as they can to improve their statistics.

The character is then sent into battle with a couple hundred dollars in his pocket, a hundred rounds, and a basic pistol. No longer will be provided with unlimited ammo, so you must make a certain amount of scanning on each level to collect the cash that are out there, as well as ammunition, weapons and other tools that can be used or sold. The search is actually much more important this time for a number of reasons. First, the world is much more detailed and interactive than in the past, and to find the items on the shelves, in boxes, and completely out of the direct path to accomplish its mission. Secondly, they use computers and other equipment for the progress, but paradoxically there are many loopholes that will be able to control the game. Instead, you will be given access to vehicles with turrets associated with the cover, which can be used to blow all in pieces. The only disadvantage of these sections is that they tend to go on for too long, and there are some missions that are essentially the whole point level, that gets boring quite quickly.

In terms of firepower, weapons have been consolidated into five separate categories: pistols, shotguns, machine guns, grenade launchers (or missiles), and energy weapons. Collect every weapon in the game has a certain amount of damage, which can be enhanced by stat accuracy. After a while, you will quickly discover a weapon that you really love and will often depend on the gun so that through battles (the gun was my best friend). However, you are not

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