Friday 30 September 2016

Sanctum Of Slime PC Game download


The first rule is that Ghostbusters will not cross the streams. Ghostbusters The second rule should be that any respectable game based on the right will always let you play the kind quartet Egon, Ray, Peter, and Winston. Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime manages to break these two standards, while giving the small details that make top-down, dual-stick similar games so fun. You can find some fun in cooperative mode for four players Sanctum, but the combined shock mediocre game, recycled environments and obtuse AI can still scare even the most loyal Ghostbusters candidates.The story as it is, focuses on four rookie Ghostbusters got the job just because the "large group" overextended after a recent increase in paranormal activity. A series of cinematic book disturbingly comic style in offline mode to explain the reasons for the increase (if you've seen the two movies, then you probably already guess), and longtime fans to enjoy learning crazy curator Janosz poha still has a flirting turned the world into Dana Barrett after 22 years. However, far from being memorable, new hires get so strongly after their patterns, which resemble closely poor quality copies. For example, the witty Egon glasses finds intellectual clone of congenital Gabriel, and wonder with open eyes of Ray Stantz finds its counterpart in the reflections of Samuel very light hair. The parallels are always painfully obvious, and inevitably makes you wonder why these guys are in the game, rather than the actual crew.The gameplay does not help much, and the game quickly installed in a mind-numbing routine after a brief flash of promise. You Prod by rookie out for your controller, and maintain a steady flow of attack, holding the right.
 If you play on a PC, then simply drag the mouse in the direction of their enemies. In a nod to the variety, which is supplied with three different types of weapons designed for the enemies of specific colors. You, of course, trusty proton gun, which is best used in the red enemies, but dispersed for blasting ghosts yellow and blue-based earning power if the bullet bounces off the wall assault rifle package also. And, yes, you can cross the streams.The largest part of the fun of the game comes from switching between the three arms during a battle, but little trick novelty wears for four of the 12 levels of the game. Apart from the fighting and regular rail section which throws ghosts of the roof of the vehicle ecto 4WD, Sanctum battles inevitably involve beginners entering an area that has a door or lock the door behind them, then you will have to beat all the ghosts that appear to open a way out. This in itself would not be so bad if all maps are not repeated later during the campaign with the simple addition of the toughest enemies. And if we consider that the three arms sometimes seems to have no effect on an enemy, even when the appropriate color used, recycled jumping in these meetings may seem unfair challenge.Convincing to three friends to play instead of Al, however, and Sanctum is relatively pleasant. On consoles, you can play cooperatively either locally or online, but the PC is only compatible with the local game. Because most enemies can knock the battle with just two strokes,
 however, they could spend a lot of time to run their dead comrades and play buttons to pull them into battle. It is not always as easy as it sounds: The PlayStation 3 and PC is quite sensitive, but the version of the Xbox fails occasionally give immediate revived no matter how you stand.Unfortunately, given the lack of online play, the AI ​​Sanctuary stands as one of the great weaknesses of the game. While fellow IA is much faster than real players when it comes to reviving fallen comrades, have a irritating habit of running in circles in the worst of times and often can not use the right weapon against the ghosts of a particular color. If it falls, will rush to his aid, even if it means death for them too obvious, and sometimes a streak of pacifism prevents the stroller from firing at all. This is particularly annoying for the boss battles, playing in single player. Since most of them require keeping away from the head and chase down points hit with a steady stream of protons juice, the process may take millions of years, if AI players are not pulling their weight.Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime brings very little charm that the franchise is known. No comic narrative; However, small fragments of pop-up text with forced jokes are sufficient for the interaction of the characters. There are puzzles to
break the monotony of the battle; the only interruption is due to the collection of dolls Marshmallow Man scattered around most levels. The music is appropriate alarming, if a little repetitive, but fortunately the famous song plays during his visit to the title screen. perhaps including real Ghostbusters could be made to these deficiencies while, but in general, the idea of ​​spending too much time with Sagrario mud is much more disturbing than any ghost throws at you.

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