Thursday 15 December 2016

MOH Medal OF honor Airborne Game Download Free


It seems that you can not read a preview or review of a FPS based on World War II without knowing how many games are in kind. Rightly, too - it is a full one. But just because there are many of them does not mean that there can be any good. Medal of Honor: Airborne is one of those games. It starts very slow, and all parachute hook is little more than a gimmick; But later in the game realizes its potential and get well. Not much of a story to Airborne. It WWII; The Nazis need killing and the world needs saving. You're in the Airborne Division, so he jumps from airplanes and will do its part to make war for the Allies. Before each mission is given a brief summary of what is happening and the list of goals to
achieve. Rather than reproduce the battlefield, will arrive in style parachute from an airplane. Falling to the ground, you will want to maneuver to the green smoke, indicating a safe landing area. In theory, parachute plane is supposed to open a new style of play. You are free to land anywhere but invisible walls keep you from getting too smart, and nine out of 10 when land somewhere other than the safe zone, they end up dead within seconds. There are some special landing areas to discover and sometimes these areas will provide an advantageous starting point, but because you will find most of these places when you are already on the ground, is of little use. Once on the ground, will receive the waves of Axis soldiers during
the six levels of the game. Six levels may not sound much, but each usually takes an hour or more to complete, will probably get most people about eight hours to finish the game. The objectives appear on your radar and you are free to address them in the order you choose. Between choosing your place of departure and be able to choose what to do first, it may sound like a lot of freedom here, but there's really - you can not start from many different places, and we should do the same tasks independently from the order in which the initiate. The objectives of the mission ranging from AA blast gun for cleaning the buildings of enemy soldiers, tanks and removal of many Explosive Detonation. By themselves these functions are not unique, but because the levels are so long and have so many goals often feel like performing monumental feats rather than routine. The first three levels are not very interesting. It is fairly linear, take place in unattractive locations and to play with the strengths of the
game. Beginning with the fourth level, the game gets since given more freedom in how you want to deal with the levels. You can decide to climb towers to take out the snipers (position is given by a reflection regulation REACH), clear the area of ​​land forces, and then make their way into a building, while a different player could go the building first, second Clean ground troops, and hide from snipers rather than kill them. The artificial intelligence of the game is not very good, but at least offensively. You can choose kids peek around corners, but not just take it lying down. They sprayed bullets in his direction without looking, and quite fond of throwing grenades blindly on their backs. If you get too close, or receive aid, enemy soldiers will charge you directly and cause serious damage until you can defendérselo weak body with your body. The controls are fairly standard in computer 360. A sprint button comes in handy when it comes to running a cover to the next. Just behind the deck, the ability to
bend and shoot extremely useful, such as the ability to pick up the gun and point out their eyes. As you progress in the game you can upgrade your weapons, get more clips, faster recharging and potential secondary firing. You carry two arms simultaneously, and a gun, which is not very strong, but has unlimited ammunition. Grenades are often difficult to achieve, but the ammunition are plentiful, such as health packs, which are scattered throughout the levels. It is a good thing, too, because once you start getting your health depletes hitting a hurry.

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