Monday 26 December 2016

Chrome SpecForce Full Download PC Free


Like science fiction movies, futuristic shooters tend to be unpredictable. For each Total Recall is a land of Battlefield, and for each there is a Halo Starship Troopers. Chrome SpecForce is not a success or a failure, because if it manages to avoid going terribly wrong, it also prevents any fun or excitement. SpecForce falls well in the midst of mediocrity, and it seems that every good idea or interesting game mechanic is countered by an overwhelming or boring design flaw.Bolt Logan is back to save the world once again in Chrome SpecForce.Bolt Logan is back to save the world once again in Chrome SpecForce.Chrome SpecForce is tracking Chrome 2003 and SpecForce once again playing as the name of Bolt Logan, a member of the elite SpecForce soldiers. The story is fairly transparent and, no scenes
to move around, most of the information of the plot you receive comes from a brief text on the loading screen before each mission. Apparently, there is a conflict on the planet Estrella, and SpecForce has been instructed to take care. Eventually, you learn that a big company, is training insidious supersoldiers and threatening the very existence of the planet. Bolt Logan and SpecForce soldiers have to save the day to walk in the jungle and military bases to hack computers, blow up key structures, save prisoners, and so on.By cliché which are the missions, they are at least somewhat varied. While you spend most of the game on foot, running and shooting enemies, there are times when you have to jump on a speeder bike, pilot a huge mech, or the man from a turret to push back The air attacks. The vehicles are generic but work well to break the monotony of the rest of the game. In addition to driving vehicles and shoot sometimes have to hack into a computer system to unlock a door, carrying a stun virus or retrieve
information. All this is played as the piracy of a simple memory game, where the tiles are revealed and the game forms to end the card. These sections are ridiculously easy, to the point that makes the mini-game seem meaningless work.The rest of the game is spent on foot, engaging the fight with the same few enemies over and over again. And although there is nothing wrong with that, shooting in SpecForce is just boring and tedious. On the one hand, weapons are so weak that just are not fun to use. All are fairly standard: there is a 9 mm pistol, an assault rifle, shotgun, rocket launcher, grenades, and a few others. Weapons feel completely anemic in terms of firepower. Sounds of guns are thin and miss a kick if necessary, do not seem particularly threatening, and often takes an excessive amount of shots to defeat an enemy. Another problem is that there is no sense of field with one of the weapons. You can snipe enemies only hundreds of meters with his assault rifle. Therefore, you can simply play through the
whole game without worrying about picking up any other weapon.And, you do not want to bother with other weapons because the inventory system is so boring and tedious. SpecForce uses the same inventory system as the previous Chrome game. Look into the bodies of people you kill to get items, and when you do, your inventory screen appears. The inventory screen closely resembles that of an RPG, with a grid that you must adapt to all your equipment on. Your inventory space is not very large, so it is not practical to carry more than one gun. But, as mentioned above, are not a problem because the standard assault rifle is on the most useful weapon in the game anyway. This inventory management feels in its place and unnecessary in a shooting game, and quickly tired of the hassle.Another problem with
combat SpecOps is that the enemy artificial intelligence feels cheap. As soon as you walk around a corner, no matter how hidden you are by the surrounding foliage, you will hit right away. The enemies keep their positions carefully placed behind the lid and wait for progress. Your best bet is to try to trap enemies with his assault rifle, or take shots and wait until the enemy falls before doing so. On the other hand, the AI ​​characters on your side is completely silly. You may be involved in a hot fire exchange of power, only to have one of its allies walk right in front of you and immediately lost. Or, one of his comrades-in-arms could walk

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