Monday 19 December 2016

Marine Sharpshooter 2 Jungle warfare PC Free Game Download


Budget shooters confuse me. I understand that there is a demographic group of players with low level machines, but production values ​​did not stop there faltering. In addition to looking for a decidedly outdated game, Marine Sharpshooter II also suffers from the mechanics of the game of dates, while throwing a couple of additional hooks for good measure.The premise is not bad as it provides access to a niche without covering the depth of other games. You play a Marine sniper who was responsible for saving the president of Burundi, with the civil war hanging on the line. Features include the effects of time, day and night, air strike missions, a stealth meter and some other goodies. It does not sound wrong on paper.However, there are some graphic problems beyond blurry textures and in large quantities. The
water is a flat transparent texture, which is unfortunate, since you can see and navigate a lot of it. And while sections of the jungle have an impressive amount of foliage, shrubs that border the road are bulletproof and impassable. It is convenient for the deck until he realizes that the reason he can not hit a stopped guy at 100 feet away is because his crosshair is on a pixel of the blade just before, so It's impossible shooting. So even if you look like you are struggling in a jungle, all the shrubs and trees have the concrete properties, so the frustrating blows when the enemy is weaving their way through them to you.But AI is not too difficult. In fact, it would be safe to say that AI is a return to 1995. There guards do not react when someone standing next to them blew a lot of suicide around a shot, little effort to find cover, no use of grenades, and behavior General of the kamikaze. It's more like Whack-a-Mole than anything else you go out running through the jungle, making a brief stop from time to time to see
someone and hat. He's going to get hit with the ambush once in a while and Tripwire, but there really are not many pieces to talk about. The game is between Black Hawk Fall: Team Saber and Far Cry in rhythm and sensation, but there is almost nothing to give the player a thrilling sense of history. You pass the proposals from five to ten minutes until you reach an arbitrary waypoint, where the screen goes off and the next "mission" is loaded, which is little more to run and shoot until you reach the next checkpoint.After a while, it becomes a monotonous exercise, as enemies are not very aggressive, not aiming well (a guy was killed by shots of a role-playing game in the tree right in front of him) and almost all A camp Seems the same to another. There is the guy with the gun, the one with the AK-47, and the occasional sniper who is a pain in the ass to locate and frequently with which to pull right over the edge of concrete shrubs and similar branches of The trees that populate the world.You will have a teammate who irregularly nails enemies on his compass with an X, get stuck in the trees and occasionally prevent
him following for no particular reason. He has his own balance of rifle butts and health and bags from time to time ask him to stop so he can heal apparently inappropriate, but he never does, even when he is weak, and he can be cured with one of many Health packs narrowly defined jungle lined aisles with concrete and shrubs carved by slopes that really should be able to climb, but are still too high.Since you are a sniper and it is almost exclusively the long-range observation, weapon loading is also disappointing. He has tactically useless rifle, pistol and survival knife. The pistol is suitable for those rare occasions when the enemy closes the distance, but not as much as you think, since you can not change weapons when going through the movement of wanting to reload the weapon. The gun also looks like a toy gun and the gun does not actually echo.Then there is the control system, a terrifyingly innovative design in which
you simply can not change range with the right mouse button and zoom in and out with the scroll wheel. Instead, you see the mouse wheel, cancel the observation by clicking on the wheel of the central mouse, and use the right button for secondary firing, which does not exist in a weapon most of the game. Can reassign

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