Thursday 20 October 2016

Full Spectrum Warrior PC Game Download Latest Version Free


Full Spectrum Warrior began as a military training simulation commissioned by the US Army, and only later publisher THQ and developer Pandemic Studios decided to make a video game about modern tactics squads - but you never know that from the game. Full Spectrum Warrior has an innovative design and effective control system, and convincingly provides the sights and sounds of modern battle group in the war in the Middle East. It may seem like an action game, but not one, since it never aims actively or guns in the game (except grenades). The thing is, Full Spectrum Warrior is a strategy game with all functions, either, and is based on a fairly simple model, a surprisingly abstract game that has trouble maintaining a fairly short campaign (which can only play or collaboratively to Live). In fact, often the game ends with the sense of a series of puzzles whose solutions are fairly obvious. However, the Full Spectrum Warrior is very good overall, and deserves credit for being more than just a shooter or strategy game military theme. It is a shame that is more immersive.The new PC version of Full Spectrum Warrior is essentially identical to the original version of the Xbox game released a few months ago. The differences between the versions are mild. The PC version does not have both the US Army hidden version of the Xbox (an interesting advantage to the Xbox, but most simply a novelty), but in return, with a couple of tough new missions that give a good few hours in campaign game . Interestingly, these missions epilogue can be played from the beginning, but the additional content is still welcome. This version of the game also offers a "real" problem, a feature that hides the Xbox makes the game extremely difficult task to eliminate earn points and more aspects of the heads-up display. cooperative game mode is not natively supported voice chat, as it does through the service Xbox Live, but can easily communicate with your partner in writing. Full Spectrum Warrior for PC also features a control system that allows you to play reconfigured using a mouse and keyboard - mostly simple mouse - instead of a gamepad. While the interface is the same surface with the Xbox, they are mostly very suitable for the PC. In addition, the PC version is impressive - even better than the excellent aspect of Xbox (if running on a relatively fast system). It is also noteworthy that this version is sold for less than its console counterpart, such as PC games do often.The game starts with an optional MOUT (military operations in Urban Terrain) courses effectively familiarizes with scrutiny Fireteam only Full Spectrum Warrior system, how to use the cover, how to hang grenades, how to adjust the suppression of fire, how to cleanse their enemies shooting from behind cover, and more. These training scenarios step by step, like the rest of the presentation of Full Spectrum Warrior is thick with authentic military environment and to demonstrate that each of the men in the group of eight man is a unique individual with its own personality. You, the player, do not represent a specific character in the game, but his opinion without the body is always near one of the two groups of your computer is selected at that moment, as if in the middle of the right to. line of vision is limited to them, and when they are just starting to come you seem to work well with them, like being a journalist embedded video capture the action on camera. Full Spectrum Warrior gives an excellent first impression.Perhaps this is a testament to the formation MOUT Army, but ironically scenarios in Full Spectrum Warrior is so full that teach you almost everything there is to know about the gameplay, leaving little for you to learn during the actual campaign. The campaign takes place in the near future in a fictional environment that is the image of Iraq. This is how the game is played in a nutshell: Every mission of the campaign is basically a race completely flat, linear barriers of the type in which the enemies usually appear and start shooting in which the use of small arms and, sometimes, grenades fragmentation and grenades. These enemies usually shoot from behind cover, and also to determine the men standing behind cover when not in transit or are much more likely to get shot. Given the entrenched enemies are being reduced Full Spectrum Warrior, but the process
quickly becomes very routine and stop feeling dangerous or risky, despite presenting authentic look. Moreover, since the scenario levels to play in basically the same way each time, the default locations of the enemy and mostly clear paths to objective points, thwarting enemy ambushes becomes more of a trial and error that skills and programming.The most important artifact in Full Spectrum Warrior is that men are hiding behind cover is completely invulnerable. For example, if your computer has been shooting around a corner a man 10 yards away, which has been shooting with a rifle behind some sandbags, no one is going to get shot, no matter how long you allow the prolonged stagnation and no matter how many bullets it seems almost hit their mark. The game holds that when you're behind cover, which is located in a safe area (however, certain types of coverage, such as sofas or wooden boxes, can not absorb a lot of heat and realistic fall apart after a short period of time). This aspect of the game may initially come as a surprise, but it's a fair point for Full Spectrum Warrior to impose the interests of making the player focus on tactics rather than in systole game. However, the regular options themselves are quite limited.So, what to do in a state of stagnation? You can: Take a fragmentation of Granada, if you are close enough to the enemy (men have their onset weak hands, obviously, and grenades can not be sent away); firing a M203 Granada (which, for reproductive purposes, fly forward like a rocket and gun in the real world is more like a mortar); Granada throw a cigarette in front of your enemy in your fire team can move safely in a different location; or create a fire suppressant to the enemy, causing the duck and cover, creating an opportunity for another group of fire. You can use these limited options, but you will find places to feed your ball ammo (but not grenades) during a mission. are always two groups have at their disposal, so that in practice, have a frequency to the enemy in deadlock, while others dragged from the side and hit the enemy where exposed. Small shield icons floating over the heads of friends and enemies make it absolutely clear whether someone is at risk getting fired.Full Spectrum Warrior may sound like it has a number of different types of tactical options, but it is usually limited to only one or two. For example, they say there is a heavy machine gun that has one of the squares, which in the corner, and GPS map reveals that there is an alley easily mounted to allow another group of fire surrounding the shooter. Or maybe the only meeting between you and the enemy is a damaged car, which takes just enough to use a Granada. Simplistic statements like this make regular Full Spectrum Warrior is practically holding hands in many cases. Once you get past the exciting presentation, you probably realize that the gameplay and level design, so they tend to be very simple, and the result is a campaign to forget some of
which set pieces - ordering artillery attacks against the enemy or connected to a pair of sniper armor - do not compensate for the frequent monotony of the action.As you play, you will notice that some of the options that appear to be noticeably absent in a game for the urban warfare. For example, you will see men riding in several vehicles during scenes, but never get to use or control the vehicle during the actual game. Nor can enter buildings in the game (except in certain special cases regarding the route of the mission will take you through a), although it will always be surrounded by them and you will face enemies that shoot at you from the windows and balconies. Not that there are no clearly defined ways in which features such as this could be integrated into the game; the game is just showing things that seem that the game should allow you to do it yourself. Since the lack of variety is one of the major shortcomings in Full Spectrum Warrior, this kind of things stand out as failures.For what it's worth, the game is controlled very well, and has an elegant and unique environment which is quite easy to get used to. Just as not actively activated most weapons in the game, you have no direct control over the movements of the groups "- instead of ordering them to new positions that would require units in a strategy game in real time. Right click causes a virtual cursor appears on the floor, representing where the troops will fall whether to move there with the left mouse button. Hovering near the deck (in a corner next to a car, and so on), the cursor will stick and take the form of the object presentation intuitively informing him that his men take a fortified place there. The only problem is, as the angle of the camera is constantly anxious behind the fire team, the cursor will be positioned as ordering his men to advance, which can cause you to put accidentally your computer at risk times change - all it takes is one misstep. As you can imagine, this can occasionally be frustrating, and it's not a problem checks the version of Xbox. One of the interesting things about Full Spectrum Warrior is simulating the shape of battle commands are not executed in real time. After asking his troops to move or fire, there is a noticeable delay
between the time given by the group leader the order and when the order is actually carried out. Generally, it works just fine with the regular rhythm of the game. However, it takes some stress situations, such as when you win and the need to act quickly if his men will survive given.Artificial intelligence, unfortunately, does not present an interesting challenge, mostly. To put a finer point on it, the enemies are too stupid, but this is not true of their teams. The gameplay is designed in such a way so that your teams to do more work without much intervention from you. Again, your LOB hand grenades, but when it comes to shooting and keep the heads of your soldiers back cover, which will take mostly care of everything for you. automatically also be liable if they come under fire when left outdoors. If given a regular class movement, you will not defend themselves if suddenly faced with the enemy - but there is an option to make men move cautiously, arms raised, and will attack enemies see when it is done. Moreover, their enemies often appear clinically dead, and every time you do something that seems smart - that the ambush approaching or make a strategic retreat, for example - is obviously because they are scripts to act in this way, and that is likely to act that way every time. In many other cases, you will see the enemies do absolutely stupid things like standing completely still as you send a dozen or more bullets at them from an unprotected flank, or screaming panic when it started a Granada --but your feet will not really to cover. Also worth noting that you will never deal with the enemy overwhelming odds in Full Spectrum Warrior. No waiting Black Hawk here - higher numbers tend to be at your side at any given time, at least in the skirmish default difficulty level.Besides the "real" situation mentioned, Full Spectrum Warrior offers two different standard levels of difficulty, the hardest of which are much less tolerant of tactical errors and omissions. It offers strong resistance of the enemy in greater
numbers, and a much smaller number of grenades with the first team to use the mission. By default, men can usually have a lot of hits before falling, while not as lucky in Hard Mode. Even if a man is killed, does not die immediately; you can have your fire team to pick it up and take it to a CASEVAC (casualty evacuation), which will get recognition testing a second by a doctor and then get right back up, in good physical condition. If you ever have a second man shot down if someone is already unconscious, then the game is over, and you should continue your path from the nearest stop point. You can not save any time, but tend to be several points stored in each shipment.

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