Sunday 9 October 2016

Dungeon Siege 2 PC game download Free Latest Version


When Dungeon Siege came out in early 2002, it was praised for having incredible graphics and fast, accessible battle system. However, for an RPG that was a bit shallow in terms of character development and story. In addition, the game had the challenge of attracting point prison veteran tracker and click. Developer Gas Powered Games took the criticism to heart, and began to tune the gameplay and makes the game a little more difficult and posed for experienced players. The result is the Dungeon Siege II, a solid effort that manages to improve the first game to offer a long, heavy court battle dungeon undoubtedly please fans of the genre.Dungeon Siege II plays like action RPG waist, except that instead of controlling a single character, you control a group of up to six characters. Do not get too excited though, as a lot of work that needs to get six
characters in your party. Start the game with the ability to create a two-man party, but you can buy additional of an innkeeper "slots" to increase the size of your group. In the first race through the game, you can have up to four characters in battle at once. By the time he begins his third journey through history, they are finally able to get the sixth member. It is a bit of a task, however, since the story is between 40 and 60 hours to complete. There are only a handful of characters in the game that can be hired to join your party, but you can also buy pets in any of the three major cities. The animals may be fed the data to increase their maturity and their strongest. There are over half a dozen different species of animals, including mules, dragons back, and elementary. It is not as immediately effective as human characters, but pets can be useful as a kind mood life waste, and will gladly eat any additional information that you may have.Once you have your party assembled, ready for battle. controls directly only one character at a time, but can give your party orders with a quick push of a button. For example, you can press the F button to put your hand in the mirror mode, which will
mimic your main character. Or you can put your hand into rampage mode and kill anything that moves. It's easy to switch characters on the fly, as well. You can press the F2 key to take control of your sorcerer and fire a quick healing spell, or you can press F3 to change your fighter and go pound some enemies for a while. You can also set up automatic magic spells to cast, which can be very useful. It is easy to create artificial intelligence controlled characters to be self-sufficient enough that you do not have to do anything but tell them where to go. In fact, if you have healing set to Auto-plaster, mages can easily heal your party faster than the enemy can cause damage, so all you have to do to stay alive is to keep wizards manna.Unlike the first game of the series, Dungeon Siege II gives you complete control over how the characters in the party for the development by enabling set points ability to make more specific characters. There are four classes in the game: Rangers, fighting, combat magician, magician and nature. You can select the category simply using the character in a particular way. A character who uses mainly physical attacks will level up the skill melee and become a fighter efficiently. Each character can learn the skills of any kind, but if you try to do a character
jack-of-all-trades type, which turns out to be very weak and useless. It is best to select a category from the beginning and to devote all points of their skills in the skills fall into this particular category. The skill tree for each class contains 12 different skills, but some of the more advanced skills require you to reach a certain level with some of the basics first. For example, if you want to learn the deadly attack skills - which increases the damage of a critical hit - should have a level body skills with body 36 and a skill level and a critical hit. The skills system does not help to make the development of the characters feel more dynamic than in the first Dungeon Siege game, but some of the skills that are pretty useless, so you're better off just focusing on some of the more versátiles- .Apart from the skills, you can now get special powers based on how you decide to develop their characters. A fighter can learn brute force attack, which when activated will it approximately 20 times more potent next strike from a normal attack. These special powers on the keys 1-4, so it is easy to activate any of the powers of your character in battle. You will use these powers often because they are extremely powerful and will allow you to get a group of half a dozen enemies at once. The only penalty for the use of these powers is that once used, can not use the power again until Reloaded, but usually takes less than a minute.Combat in Dungeon Siege II is as simple as they come, but can be very good for a while.
Simply right-click on an enemy you want to attack, and if you hold down the button, you can keep the enemy attack until he dies. If you take too much damage, you lose consciousness, but as long as one of the characters remains consistent can keep fighting. Eventually an unconscious character will wake up and be ready to fight again. However, if a character takes too much damage while he was unconscious, he or she will die.As you fight, the enemy will throw all kinds of loot for you to collect - very smooth actually. You will find so much gold, armor, weapons and spells that the concept of data collected becomes almost trivial. Fortunately there are teleporters located throughout the world, so you can just teleport back to town, sell what you do not want, and teleport back to continue your search. Towards the end of the game, the only use they have for all articles you get is to sell gold, but gold is useless since the store bought items are much weaker than the data received from enemies. You can spend gold to enchant weapons and armor, but this is not necessary, since the characters prevail over the enemies even when using a medium group.For those who enjoy a simple and automated battlefield, there are many here. Often there enemies on the screen at the same time dozens. In fact, sometimes too much to do and it is difficult to say that the characters are allies and which are enemies. Combat in Dungeon Siege II requires no skill or strategy, but there is still something to say to rip through hordes of undead soldiers and leaving piles of bloody corpses in their wake. Unfortunately, the record of thugs rancid after a while, because the enemies do not really make it more difficult as you go
through the story; all have more hit points, so take a little time to kill. There are some cool fighting against bosses in this game, but even this can get boring sometimes. There is a particular battle with the dark wizard who has about 90,000 points, but they can only cause any damage to your party. Essentially just ended piracy off for a few minutes while the driver There are still useless spells. To make things even easier, you can check your newspaper for step by step how to complete each mission instructions. If you are too lazy for that, however, there is a small map in the corner of the screen that has a small arrow to direct where to go. There are various levels of difficulty, but unfortunately you can not access them after winning the game in the easiest way.To make things a little more interesting, you can play through the story with a friend cooperatively via LAN or online play. You can enter a part of his campaign for a player, but when a multiplayer game you have to start from the beginning of the story starts, there is a lot of fun if you know all the details of all shipments. Despite the fact that the parts can be used in multiplayer, each player can only use a couple of characters, so there is never more than six allies in the game at once.Dungeon Siege II does a good job with their environment and to maintain the fantasy atmosphere. The environments are detailed and if some of the textures look a bit blurry and faded, classified sites is quite rich to be interesting, while still feeling like they belong to a coherent universe of imagination. Dark dungeons dark forests and arid deserts, everything seems natural, even enemies and interactive objects in each area. The animated character designs are a little uncomfortable, but the characters themselves are high quality, and the whole team represented aesthetically. The spell effects are unpredictable. Some of the status effects add a nice shine their characters, but the elemental spells seem rather weak.Besides the scenery, the sound goes a long way in improving the atmosphere in Dungeon Siege II. The fully orchestrated music from Jeremy Soule helps to set the mood for each area, if you want to explore a dungeon or just chat with people in town. The sound effects are
consistently very good, and although the noise of battle is heard almost constantly in play, manages to avoid sounding canned. The only weak point is the sound of the voice work. Almost every character in the game has speaking lines, and although some characters are done well, the bulk of performance is quite bad. Give voice credit institutions, however, do not have the best dialogue to work with them.Dungeon Siege II is a solid game with plenty to keep you busy for hours. The biggest problem is that the game is too easy, and although there is an increase in levels of difficulty, you have to put in a good 40 hours just to unlock the configuration of veterans, and 40 hours to reach the elite. Unfortunately, the story and the gameplay is not really deep enough to justify many trips through the game. However, there was a very good dungeon crawlers lately, and Dungeon Siege II does a respectable job filling this gap.

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