During a rare moment of calm shortly before it goes out and the smoldering remains of a chemical weapons silos with a barrage of homing missiles, my partner, Joker veteran Max, share the following thought. "It's not rocket science formula is simple rockets." I was, of course, referring to the task at hand, but just as easily could have been describing lightning wolves as a whole. This souped, one dogfight mind game is good for one thing and one thing only: the bombing of ungodly amount of stuff.While intense but irrational action is all you are looking for, the campaign more or less than four hours after delivery Thunder Wolves gladly. With infinite machine gun bullets (and not overheating), a supply of regeneration missiles, generous health and high five worth nitro boost, Max and mercenary fleet of helicopters badass cartoonishly partner cell seems to have little interest in anything else. As you know, strategy, or graphics is becoming more moderate. Even the flight controls are very forgiving with a way of entertainment, which is really a relief, because air combat so often feels uncomfortable distractingly. I could leave only my mind and let me be completely absorbed into the meaningless chaos.
The screen often felt so full of accidental explosions, collapsing buildings, enemy icons, the injury indicators, combined cash and shiny whizzing bullets from every direction that truly rivaled shmups of bullet hell in terms of glorious sensory overload. The images are exacerbated by both the hard rock driving soundtrack (non-stop cutting!) And is absolutely relentless breakneck pace of each shipment. Sure it's a little overwhelming, but it's also so really catching literally blinked a head contact lens once. Never ever forget, children flashing.

A major drawback of all this chaos, however, is that sometimes I felt like I was alone in the journey - only a rollercoaster passengers simplistic wolves Thunder "explosions and dudebro hit chest The game is always decreasing." Point and shoot " even when the missions threw curveballs into sections such as snipers and rail damage. I mostly just shoot any glowing icon was closer to me, even if you really could not tell what it was and missiles practically only had to whisper to my goals, and plying beyond what goes boom. I did not even die until about half of the campaign, and even that was kind of a fluke. I had to run off with prudently defensive flares to prevent rocket fire, but even though it was a little more reckless, imagine that still would prevail. for each challenge in all, I recommend to go directly to disk.

Even then, the action quickly becomes repetitive - especially annoying considering the campaign is, as mentioned, only about four hours - and delicate story, vaguely incoherent done little to break the repetition. So I was pleasantly surprised came to receive the cast and their constant jokes, but the plot was a little porridge to forget a mysterious drug lord / terrorist leader / poor traction. And somehow, this is really great. Feeling fully enabled on a fast, fun, free environment consequences are an adrenaline rush, and sometimes that's enough. Local cooperative and online leaderboards association helps to deepen the other package bare-bones, but only a little. The Wolves Thunder is a game that has been engineered to provide long lasting entertainment - only a brief burst of simple entertainment, explosive.
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