The thing about Star Trek is that it has never really been about action. character drama and a continuous search for knowledge has always been the series reason to be more explosions and Phaser exploding spaceships. Well, at least it was until JJ Abrams put his hands over the property. And Abrams is full of action, takes lens flare-injected into the universe of Star Trek, which is the basis of the Star Trek video game, an action game in the third uniform and tasteless person reduces the role inimitable Kirk and Spock -toting pedestrians weapon. Frankly, they deserve better.

Not that the idea of an action game based on building society is inherently bad for Star Trek - even if it is a little imagination - but the execution is serious. The plot is the federation under attack by the Gorn, a race of reptiles appear in the original series of Star Trek. It has been given a contemporary change the image here, from campy, rubber-covered creatures in a bunch of grunts general monsters. Somehow they have met the brainpower to open the tears in space, and it is your job to travel from New Vulcan home to stop Gorn.

This means that they have taken through starbases, through the dusty planets, and along the corridors of the Company, avoiding behind a cover in a convenient location, and shooting the hell out of evil. There is little that the famous diplomacy Federation at work here: if it moves, you shoot better. Then move on to the next room and get some more. This rapidly growing tedious. Apart from the disturbing sight - even for the restart of the series - Kirk and Spock blasting monsters in the face with a propulsion phase modulator shotgun, the shot is not as exciting.

The weapons all feel a little weed, despite some good "pew pew" sounds, and the Gorn suffering from some terrible IA and technical problems. Often trapped behind walls and do not realize that the filming of his countrymen, even when you are standing next to them. cartoon character designs are woefully ill, making it look as if controlling a bizarre shape animatronics action, while their efforts to take cover often not registered, leaving him at the mercy of laser fire from Gorn.
context-sensitive to open doors or
button press to activate times attempts fail, terrible signage and
landmarks are often left without any idea of where to go, and
sometimes cooperative partner AI disappears or stick runs in an Wall. If
this occurs before the completion of one of the co-op tired shares as
lever door open or give your partner a leg up, then you have no choice
but to restart from the last checkpoint. It is simply outrageous. These
problems are solved cooperative when playing with a friend online, but
despite the recent patch, matchmaking is still problematic, often with
desertion connections.
There were some attempts to extend the shots based on the runway, but the ideas are a bad combination of those from other games. For example, you try to complete each level by using stealth positioning bad signs with tricorder and hiding around them or by performing a silent removal. Unfortunately, due to the inconsistent AI, reliable mechanical coverage, and your partner AI sheet, trying to do is much more trouble than it is worth.
Then there are the climbing sections that borrows heavily from the Uncharted series, which offers up shiny wall sections to lurch clumsily your way along and platforms, so you can jump over. Checks are not made for such efforts, however, with the careless leap so it is difficult to complete these sections. There is also a slow battle field, where he took control of the synchronization of the company turret and parts underwater is difficult to control, and a level reminiscent portal where a teleportation gun is offered and you need to move your partner and overcome obstacles .
None of these scenarios is very fun, and because poorly executed, they feel like an afterthought, and not an integral part of the experience. The system percentage points elementary experience a little better, allowing you to upgrade some of the key, such as the strength of their shields and power of phaser skills. You can even hack turrets and so the fire to the enemy, and weapons jam remotely. Neat touches, but they never forced to use these skills, either narrative or the shooting itself, which remains largely a process of memorizing everywhere.
The saving grace of the characters of Star Trek, which will not only bring the similarities of the movie stars who play them, but their voices too. Of particular interest is the Simon Pegg Scotty, whose thick Scottish accent and tendency to panic never fail to entertain. There is also some neat back and forth between the cold Spock, Kirk logical and beautiful as exchange jokes between shots. Kirk still manages a cool line chat-up or two along the way.
Still, these are only small victories for a game that does justice never leave; It is an action game-with-numbers just happen to have the Star Trek name attached to it. numerous errors and linear missions make frustrating to play, and the story never want to grab a good sci-fi adventure should. Even the most devoted fans of Star Trek will be difficult to find something to like in Star Trek: The Videogame: there are simply too obvious problems.
There were some attempts to extend the shots based on the runway, but the ideas are a bad combination of those from other games. For example, you try to complete each level by using stealth positioning bad signs with tricorder and hiding around them or by performing a silent removal. Unfortunately, due to the inconsistent AI, reliable mechanical coverage, and your partner AI sheet, trying to do is much more trouble than it is worth.
Then there are the climbing sections that borrows heavily from the Uncharted series, which offers up shiny wall sections to lurch clumsily your way along and platforms, so you can jump over. Checks are not made for such efforts, however, with the careless leap so it is difficult to complete these sections. There is also a slow battle field, where he took control of the synchronization of the company turret and parts underwater is difficult to control, and a level reminiscent portal where a teleportation gun is offered and you need to move your partner and overcome obstacles .
None of these scenarios is very fun, and because poorly executed, they feel like an afterthought, and not an integral part of the experience. The system percentage points elementary experience a little better, allowing you to upgrade some of the key, such as the strength of their shields and power of phaser skills. You can even hack turrets and so the fire to the enemy, and weapons jam remotely. Neat touches, but they never forced to use these skills, either narrative or the shooting itself, which remains largely a process of memorizing everywhere.
The saving grace of the characters of Star Trek, which will not only bring the similarities of the movie stars who play them, but their voices too. Of particular interest is the Simon Pegg Scotty, whose thick Scottish accent and tendency to panic never fail to entertain. There is also some neat back and forth between the cold Spock, Kirk logical and beautiful as exchange jokes between shots. Kirk still manages a cool line chat-up or two along the way.
Still, these are only small victories for a game that does justice never leave; It is an action game-with-numbers just happen to have the Star Trek name attached to it. numerous errors and linear missions make frustrating to play, and the story never want to grab a good sci-fi adventure should. Even the most devoted fans of Star Trek will be difficult to find something to like in Star Trek: The Videogame: there are simply too obvious problems.
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