There will be skeptics and naysayers who claim that Battlefield 2 is only an incremental update of his famous predecessors, or that offers only a marginal improvement over the popular mod Desert Combat for Battlefield 1942. ignore them because it will not could be more wrong. EA and Digital Illusions "peak and the much anticipated sequel is all that is supposed to be and more. Battlefield 2 is a fascinating witness how it can be great game for PC. It packs unsurpassed gameplay, stunning graphics, and endless repetitions an excellent package. this is by far the most fun we had with a PC game this year.

Contrary to its name, the Battlefield 2 is actually the third game in the series on the battlefield, and, on the surface, adheres closely to the formula specified in the previous two games. In it, two teams of 32 players each battle for supremacy in the vast virtual battle fields, taking the fight to the other on foot, in vehicles, sea and air. This time, however, will have the opportunity to take up arms and modern equipment in the fray, since the game is based in the near future, hypothetical conflict between US forces, China and Eastern fantastic Coalition East in mortal combat with the other one.

Interestingly, the Battlefield 2 ships with a way to play, but the way of conquest is what made the field what it is today. Conquest is essentially a scattered in the extensive game map, the king-of-the-Hill-style with multiple control points (doubling as spawn points). Each group receives a limited number of records, or their eggs, to take advantage in the battle for control of those signs. The winner is the side that can either capture all the control points and to eliminate the opposing team completely or gradually reduce tickets opponents to zero. It is a very simple formula, but it sets the stage for wild and memorable iconic battles taking place.

The beauty of Battlefield 2 is the fact that, like its predecessors, has a totally unpredictable nature in it. It is completely unscripted and chaotic, but in an impressive manner. There are just so many crazy, over-the-top moments that can happen in a game that is quickly lost track. In a particular party, you can have a dozen desperate battles, many times when a rocket or whizzes ball over his head, and the sense of pride of accomplishment when you and your team to overcome obstacles and to achieve the goal your. You will see daring feats of daring, as someone flying a helicopter through the streets of a city or preparing to plant explosives at an enemy tank is tipping his colleagues. You will experience the bombing of artillery Hell, sees the desperate revival of wounded comrades, and killed a dozen grisly ways. But, nevertheless, I will come back for more.
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