Although inextricably linked to Batman, it is not often that a Batman video game (or movie, for that matter) gives equal time screen time as Bruce Wayne. Batman is all action and Bruce Wayne is all set up, and the world of video games, where the action is fast and furious, the player is usually boring. That is why the Telltale Games mind-telling feels like the perfect partner to bring the full story of Batman to life - create a game where the player spends the same amount of time as Bruce Wayne.

Batman: The episode of Telltale 1 Series - Kingdom of Shadows is exactly the type of game you would expect to see The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones project. All the various parts that move, some evidence fell on the road, and many familiar characters from the DC Comics makes appearances. It is a first episode since only telltale knows how to deliver.For now, the story of Batman is quite simple - Bruce and Batman are in line to boss Carmine Falcone crime, but even from the beginning there is a sense that a large plot forward. The first episode also features performances from fan favorites as Batman Harvey Dent, Catwoman / Selina Kyle, Vicki Vale, and one or two surprising characters. However, although we know these characters from the name, it is clear that Telltale wants to put his version of DC Comics tradition, not only repeat it. It is refreshing to go to a story of Batman and not feel that way all the characters are already written in stone.

If there is an item that Telltale seems to excel in his writings, and Batman is no exception. The dialogue between Bruce / Batman and the many characters that have the much needed air of mystery, as players try to understand the motivations of each. Select also continues to play a role in this game, but it is more subtle than in previous games. Here, batman can affect how the Gotham police sees his actions, while Bruce is focused on maintaining a public image. However, not all options and short - seca, especially as Batman. It is not often that a player must determine how Batman goes with brutality and technical issue, but revealing provides this freedom.

Batman: The series revealing also plays the detective element more than most of the media character. Granted this is still a point and click adventure with interactive obvious points, but Batman adds a new layer to the mechanical type revealing through their association. Essentially, batman can reveal the layers of the crime scene by linking individual evidence. It is definitely the game makes the player feel like Batman detective.
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