Monday 31 October 2016

Halo Combat Evolved PC Full Game Download Latest Version


Even taking into account the well-earned reputation of the company to create great games for Mac and the PC, game epic first person in Bungie Xbox is a surprisingly high level of quality that can not help but wonder. Halo is a thrilling ride from start to finish an experience perhaps best described as a version of 16 hours from the scene of the siege of the film Terminator 2. Those who have spent years looking for a first-person shooter As good as GoldenEye 007 rare or Half-Life by Valve will be happy to hear that you no longer need look.You can play Halo through the eyes of a character known as Master Chief, a mysterious cyborg command not know much, but whom everyone in the game seems to have heard speak reverentially ( «This is more higher than thought . "" I am glad that the Lord is here. "" we were worried before they occur, sir. "). Halo takes place in a future space where Earth's forces have been in conflict with an alien race known as the Covenant. in beginning of the game, you wake up a cryo sleep and learn that the Covenant is trying to get a mysterious artifact - perhaps a gun - shaped ring artificial world known as Halo, and is on hand to prevent that from happening.Before they reach the planet, their ship boarded by the forces of the Alliance, which marine allies commit while their commander and summarizes weapon. As they try to sweep the board clean of enemies, encounters many cases Marines and the forces of the Covenant dealing with shots behind hastily
erected barriers. The first time you enter a this scene as the soldiers of the Covenant try to flank you down a hallway to one side, but you can repel them and transform your technique against them, hitting the main nest from the right as your allies hold the front line busy. This kind of battle is par for the course at Halo, making the simple days of run and shoot enemies in the middle of a corridor seems a thing of the past. The Covenant knows how to work together as a team and send men to fetch pointers to the last place you saw if you go back to lamear instant your wounds and let your recargen shields.Quickly discover that you can carry only two weapons at once in Halo, a realistic touch that many gamblers took over the coming years, which will reduce the first-person shooter, but it gives a good strategic element to it. This forces you to wisely choose which weapons you collect from fallen enemies and allies and learn each weapon well. You have to go into every situation knowing that if, for example, pick up the rocket launcher, you could get a great deal as a tank with the car, but if you have a weapon that carries multiple quickly when fired rounds can be overcome with hordes of ground troops approaching. The need will eventually make you realize that the weapons in Halo is very well balanced. Each has positive and negative attributes that may not be apparent at first. The weapon is very basic, but its scope may help you shoot the soldiers hiding behind the rocks at depth. The rifle bears many rounds, but not as effective as energy weapons against enemies whose costumes have force fields. The aptly named explosives Needler shot glass fragments home in on their targets, but often lose their signal, if your enemy hides behind an object or run far enough. There are a huge number of weapons in the game, but no one will find it helpful in some way.The battle in Halo is a challenge and never gets old or repetitive,
because the enemy AI is so good that your enemies react in a variety of different ways depending on the situation. If there is a gun or a vehicle nearby, you could enter it. If you shoot discharge of glass fragments on them by the Needler field or force shields are low, they run behind a rock and hide. If someone is close to death, I expect him to rush into close quarters and try to beat him to death with his gun. Or one could throw a Granada at you behind a pillar or to provide fire cover for an ally that is trying to move to attack him again. And marine allies are equally intelligent. If you increase the jeep Warthog and Shipping is close, will bounce back and keep your turret machine gun. If another Marine, will grow and lead shotgun. Navy IA is so realistic that sometimes you can find helping them, and not vice versa. In one part of the game, you have the ability to provide coverage for an infant armed marina with a sniper rifle that is parked on a plateau above a valley where the Covenant ships leaving the troops. They are able to get a good number of them before they came, but for both to survive, it must protect the plateau entrance to prevent any slipping, providing the Navy with ample time to weaken right time herd. Suffice it to say that if you find yourself repeating the marine sections of Half-Life: Opposing Force to try to keep alive all your troops spend much time with Halo.Not surprisingly, the computer AI give the game a huge amount of replay value. You could play the same part dozens of times - and some are so difficult to be - and do not have the same events happen exactly the same way twice. random data, such as when enemies are at a level where they are in service to start doing the rounds, often released. You will also discover that he has great freedom to choose how to overcome one level. Rarely is a right way to do something there. For example, in several areas, you will find yourself sleeping grunts Pact in place on the floors. You can sneak out and send them to the edge of your weapon, or you can choose to fire a rocket and wake up around the country - or any variation between them. Unlike many other games, there is no penalty for not selecting smuggled parts.There are also many options available in parts of the game where vehicles are displayed. In some places will even have the opportunity to choose from the many such vehicles as the Jeep Warthog, Ghost hovercraft, Scorpion tank, or the art of Banshee attack. You will have a very different experience depending on what you choose. If you take the ghost, you can quickly maneuver around your enemies. If you get into the Banshee, you can irrigate the fire under them from the sky. If using the Scorpion tank, up to four Marines can jump out. If one of the marines on board has a sniper rifle, you begin to get the enemies that get too close while concentrating on larger targets, such as weapons and other tanks. Between the panels like this and another where you - if you're quick enough - kidnapped a Banshee and use it to fly in a valley down to fight the enemies who do not enfrentarías normally for half an hour, it should be easy to We understand why parts of toy vehicles worth playing again and again. Contribute significantly in making Halo feel more like a 3D version of the classic shooters like Contra and Ikari Warriors than just another first-person shooter to give the impression of a man-army alone.One of the best things about Halo is that it manages to achieve the perfect level of difficulty offers plenty of challenge, but little or no frustration. You play a tough line a dozen times and will continue to try different tactics to reach the next checkpoint, but will not curse you when you die because they simply do what you do well. The system checkpoint is an important factor in preventing feel frustrated because very rarely starts back on the level when you die, making it somewhat similar to be able to save anywhere in a shooter PC.
effects put in the same category.One of the few possible complaints that may be filed against Halo graphics is that your frame rate is only 30 frames per second. Fans of GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark or even will not notice (and sometimes people give nausea play first-person shooters really appreciate), but those who have played games like Quake III Arena over the years continuously looking for a run button. That said, the game maintains a constant speed frame single player mode, even when there are many enemies on the screen, explosions everywhere, Banshees flying, the guns firing at you, etc. the frame rate during multiplayer games).Halo sounds even better than it looks. With excellent sound effects, solid voice acting, and excellent soundtrack, the sound in the game contributes greatly improve the already excellent experience. Marine allies and troops Pact have over a dozen different lines that say in reaction to events. For example, if you hunker down Sneaking around and growled points scream and run him off or could shout "here!" O "There is!" Marine can be heard shouting lines like "How does it feel to be dead?!?" On fallen enemies, and some even have different tones, which helps make them different from each other. game's soundtrack ranges from the fantastic voice opening song for a theme guitar-not some creaky way, and all the points between them (one of these points is subject stunning room, that plays when you enter a room where the grunts sleeping
Covenant). You probably will not notice how good the sound effects in Halo, because they have done such a good job immerse yourself in their world. From the blast of a plasma rifle global soon known explosion of a plasma Granada, you're not busy admiring the sounds, you're right there.The experience of a single player in Halo is so powerful that it is easy to see from the multiplayer side of the game as a child, and to a large extent, that is. Like the Perfect Dark Rare, you can play the entire game in cooperative mode split screen with a friend. If a player dies, he or she quickly respawn only other player away from the battle or the fight ends. Working in conjunction with another player is fun and makes all the surprises the game seem new. It is an excellent way to play the game for a second or third time.Other multiplayer modes of Halo is not as strong as the rest of the game, due to the omission of enemies and allies controlled by the computer (known as "bots" in most first-person shooters and "simulators" in Perfect Dark) . You can play with up to four people at a time using a split screen, or you can connect up to four systems and televisions - using cable connections
or LAN connection - can play with up to 16 people at once. I must say that playing the game in different Xboxes with more than six people are fantastic, especially the arrest rounds flag by adding Warthog jeep or Scorpion tanks. But the cost and the configuration required to play Halo thus do simply impractical for most players. Unfortunately, most of the multiplayer levels of the game is very large and seems to have created around more than four people playing, and so do modes of play (capture the flag is not the same with only four people). Only some levels made for groups of four. In most, you spend more time looking for someone to shoot what is going to participate in the race. And if you play with less than four, essentially playing tag. If the game includes computer-controlled enemies or allies, the experience of two to four players will be much more similar to the length of time it may have five to 16 people.

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