Friday 14 October 2016

A-Men PC game Download Latest Version For free


When six factory workers accidentally unleash an army of droid soldiers while playing with it, they decide that the best course of action is to blow everything. Although successful handling of all explosives factory making their escape via helicopter without detonator or fuel. After the emergency landing plagued the world of droids to the game and make it their mission to erase your mistakes.A-Men is a puzzle platformer and playful story if it did, because on the track, the game is not taken seriously. The developers were inspired by the classic titles such as Lemmings and The Lost Vikings, but instead to copy these games directly merge the
best elements, along with quite interesting results.The goal of each level is to kill a fixed amount of A-Droids and then make your way to the helicopter. The A-Droids, which seems Napoleonic soldiers unnecessarily wandering most of the time, but if you are going to do everything possible to kill his character with their bayonets. You must use the environments, which are usually full of traps, has his enemies if he wants to reach the mincer in one piece. The A-droids all look the same, but other than the stupid models are also to be a little smarter and harder to kill.New characters gradually introduce a good thing, since each has three different abilities at their disposal, it takes time to master. For example, the Spy can disguise himself and to redirect a-androids with signs, while the command has a parachute and grappling hook. It also has an engineer who can dig holes and build bridges, as well as a suite that can shoot a gun and throwing grenades.
Finally, there is the muscle that can cause enemies or throw Agent A-Men of the upper shelves. You have no control over which A-Men given to each level and to make the most difficult things that most of its uses are limited skills and must be replenished boxes dotting levels.Some levels will only provide a character, but more often you will have access in two to four characters. You have to constantly switch between characters, so go ahead and complete a level, all characters must be reached by helicopter safely. The characters to die from a stroke and if someone buys the farm does not fulfill its mission. There are many points in each level, but this requires points cattle to kill enemies to turn, so you may well find yourself without enough points to save your progress. Hand and puzzle game can be frustrating trial and error does not own, sometimes so expect to restart certain levels sometimes. If you are a fan of this style of the old school game you will have a blast, but it can be annoying sometimes.The game features 40 levels spread across four different worlds to complete what should keep you busy for a while. Just kill the required amount of A-Droids to complete a level which is not too difficult, but the degree of the game for each level and for the best brands you need to complete the bonus objectives as well. These range from the finish within a certain time, killing all enemies and even some very hard not to be discovered. bonus targets pack quite a challenge, but it is completely
optional.Game 2D art style is as old school as optical elements and brought back fond memories of games like The Lost Vikings. It allows you to see the action from a strong side view and the levels are full of holes, traps, dead ends and platforms. There are even some nice parallax scrolling and the levels are full of color. The points that you want to kill the enemies can also be used to customize their characters using the store in the game, so if you prefer your pink dressed command there is nothing to stop us. The sound is nice, with some songs that sound military and voice acting for the main characters. The voices are a little difficult, but I guess that the game fit. Each character has its own small appearances, pronounced, while directing and some, like the engineer with sarcastic comments about the visuals, the game control and repetition can be a bit annoying. I must admit that the developers are brave enough to include a character who criticizes the game all the time.The controls work very well considering will be constantly switching between characters, but hoarding or standing near the edges felt a little sly. Because the characters can not really win a direct confrontation with the A-Droids it is important to put them out of danger when switching between characters. I liked the fact that you can use binoculars to see what a button or lever connected to but clearly there to stand next to the button or lever to do so. There are situations in which they may have become trapped or misuse anything that requires a restart is not something you often see in games. Some players enjoy the challenge and enjoy the fact that careful planning is required to complete a mission, while others may resent the repetition involved.He has been a while since I've played a game like A-Men and while not perfect has its
moments. There is a great sense of accomplishment when a helicopter with all the people after collecting one by one coming enemies, but there are times when one careless mistake cost level as the end is in sight. If you're ready for the challenge and find the art style appealing then by all means give the game a shot. It is filled with hours of challenging game and offer enough head scratching moments. It is definitely not a game that will appeal to everyone though, so make sure you know what you are getting yourself into before shelling out your cash.

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