Friday 9 September 2016

Pirates Of Caribbean At World's End Game Download full latest Version for free PC game


It is the era of blockbuster movie and you know what that means - is average game of the season to leave. Spiderman 3 is a disappointment and Shrek the Third is a real elf. Before reaching Kings wave, Transformers, Harry Potter, Fantastic Four Ratatouille, we have Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, hits theaters this week and swashbuckling your way to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
It is a pity that we lump sum at the end of the world to the standard set of shit-movie-game, as the universe of Disney created Depp and should provide excellent material for videogames. We have giant squid, guns, pirates, sword games, giant Jacuzzi and shark enemies hammer - they're all there. And while the end of the world does a good job of capturing the essence of the film, the repetitive gameplay drags down what could have been a shot by Disney Interactive Studios and developer Eurocom.
At first glance, the end of the world in the hotel is a gem, a delight to behold. Some of the rooms are completely perfect, like green Port Royal and covers the Black Pearl. The character models were created with the help of Industrial Light and Magic and are some of the best we've seen: Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner are amazing, and Davy Jones is viscous and creepy. Things are going very well, with a smooth animation system that works equally well in the middle of a vicious struggle sword as with thin dreadlocks Sparrow float. As for the frame rate, the 360 ​​version running smoothly, while the PS3 is a jagged mess that chugs along in slow motion.
The sound is well done, especially with film score sounds like ripped straight from the movies and actors similarity of sound do useful work not only Depp and Bloom, but secondary characters, and Barbosa, Rigetti and Pintel. The sound effects themselves become annoying in about three seconds, and the sound of bravado reduced to constant moaning and groaning. Nevertheless, the atmosphere, the appearance and the actual score exported Pirates universe - a gift for movie fans. Disney even managed to capture the quirky, over-the-top gestures Jack himself.
Unfortunately, this is where the fun ends. The gameplay is a mixture of collecting meaningful nonsense fighting platforms with simple touches thrown in for good measure. A typical mission is Port Royal, where you run around town trying to find wanted posters that will be able to knock down. After finding the last poster, which you have to fight through a handful of Brits pressing the attack button again and again. As he, Jack will begin to stop the enemy until the enemy is somewhat dazed manner and inexplicably turns and looks down appears. Currently, Jack to finish him by punching him in the back of the head or cutting back. This is fun for the first four enemies and you realize that this is the basis of all combat system.

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