Thursday 22 September 2016

Download Young Justice Legacy Pc game download Freee


Based on the animated Cartoon Network series, Young Justice: Legacy supposed to explain what happened during the gap of five years between the first and second season of the series. The loose plot involving a kidnapped archaeologist, however, is a burden that answers some questions. Facing the team of teenage superheroes against core members of light, shadows clique supervillains series in a smooth action RPG, surprisingly has little to do with the continuation or the mythology of the series.
Heredity plays like a smaller version of the X-Men Legends and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, but with fewer characters to choose and design repetitive boring levels. Before addressing each of the 15 levels, a group of three heroes of the short list of the Youth Justice teenage friends chosen including Nightwing (the former Robin), Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Aqualad and Artemis. These six characters are available from the start with four other unlock as you play the story. You want to play as Beast Boy or Rocket? You must defeat heritage in two levels of difficulty in the first place, which is a shame as they are also two of the funniest characters to play as. (Four additional characters season 2 can also be purchased as DLC, but given the relatively short list, which should be unlockable.)
The idea of ​​Young Justice as an RPG team base is good, and the heritage begins to glow during the battle. Each character has three different attacks powerhouse by their unique abilities and a fourth buff which gives a temporary advantage as the obscurity of Miss Mars or improved critical Nightwing blows. Unleash the powers of children in groups of fans is the best part of the game, such as the use Kid Flash vortex to cause damage to multiple enemies or to hit enemies with the stroke Superboy episode field. Controls can be sensitive at times, however, and you'll wonder why you can not do anything during the battle, such as charging a strong punch. Also, it's just silly that the characters are not logged on as Artemis and Robin barrels can lift and throw boxes as easily as Superboy.
If you are looking for a game with the team combos ... keep looking. Apart from an attack on the group charged with energy (which consists of the three characters on the screen to take a strong stance with constipation that acts as a smart bomb), the powers of the characters do not play each other. There is still an obvious nod to the then DC; link Nightwing with two other members of the Bat-Family Legacy, Batgirl and Robin Tim Drake, the levels inside the circus Haly - you know, the place where Nightwing parents - causes no references to past acrobat killed or bonus equipment to get Bat-brats together in Gotham city.
Heritage can only play or with up to two other players locally or online, which tends to be more fun and makes it easier to coordinate the attacks and get healing characters as Miss Martian and the magician Zatanna. Six auxiliary missions challenge unlock as you play the campaign in history that the work for the team survive the waves of enemies, but otherwise does not add anything new or interesting experience, and compete on the online leaderboards.
In addition to the power, however, the rest of the game Legacy absorbs life. Formula levels usually follow a single path often interrupted by bad teams. Sometimes there are false to pop down to discover the secret wall areas, but for most of the trip is simply a long, monotonous walk through the halls, trails jungle trails of the desert, rocky roads, crowded streets ice ... oh, and the city docks Gotham ... with paths. With few exceptions, such as perhaps the limit missions fantastic Bialya country, environments, enemies and objects are reused so often that levels are barely distinguishable from each other than their configuration.
The filling levels before it can reach the boss fights unequal inheritance. Some, such as the confrontation with the Riddler in which you have only to break colored boxes on the roulette wheel lethal is quite easy, while others, such as the battle with the assassin Cheshire is more difficult and requires some teamwork. Tangling with light villains that appear in Legacy, but mainly because enliven a boring experience different.
Poor Beast Boy gets only to play when you hit Young Justice: the history of heredity in Normal difficulty.
Although the release sometimes delayed Young Justice: Legacy also seems incomplete. For example, levels include treasure chests appear to give nothing when opened. Maybe contain the credits you earn to buy WayneTech equipment between missions to hone their skills, but there is no visual or audio signal collected anything. Insects are abundant, such as characters get locked behind doors or stuck in the landscape, and I was able to overcome at least one boss because I just stuck in an execution animation and did not bother to defend himself.
And then there are the pictures. Oh, sweet ... Jim Lee pixelated graphics are my previous generation, at best, and I think he played that first the Xbox or PlayStation 2, if they knew no better. Particularly egregious are some cinematics that are so rigid and unprofessional like pre-VIS original, and very far from equal to the quality of animation television series. Even with the resolution cranked from its peak on the PC, this game can be so ugly sometimes a friend felt really repulsion when I saw what was on my screen.
Legacy has at least some quality voice acting provided by the cast of the series Young Justice. Whatever the result of enthusiastic music could make nearly heritage worth playing for faithful fans of the series, but this chapter comes too late and lost in a poor situation worthwhile.

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